Nearly 100 Years of Legal Service

Our firm was founded by T. Brooke Howard in 1923. We have been providing exceptional legal service for our clients.

Helping You Avoid A Reckless Driving Conviction

The potential outcome of a reckless driving conviction can affect your life for a long time. Losing your driver’s license, hefty fines and incarceration are all possibilities. Of course, your insurance rates will skyrocket, too.

A seasoned criminal defense attorney can help you get such charges reduced or dismissed. The Law Offices of Howard & Howard in Warrenton, Virginia, has decades of experience representing clients accused of traffic offenses. Judges continue to see full dockets of court dates and traffic-related cases are among them. That’s why we will do our best to swiftly get your case resolved.

Many Forms, Many Penalties

Clients accused of reckless driving know they have reliable representation in us. Reckless driving encompasses a number of infractions that may be felonies or misdemeanors, depending on the severity of the case. Some can even lead to prison sentences.

Here are some of the more serious instances of reckless driving in Virginia:

  • Speeding in excess of 80 mph
  • Speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed limit
  • Racing
  • Illegal passing of emergency vehicles, school buses, on the crest of a hill or at a railroad crossing
  • Passing or driving two vehicles abreast
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Failing to give a proper signal
  • Faulty brakes and having improper control of the vehicle
  • Reckless driving on parking lots
  • Reckless driving with an obstructed view

Convictions on any of these traffic offenses can affect your life for years to come. You don’t want to take the chance and represent yourself. You need a skilled criminal defense attorney.

Get A Free Consultation, So Call Now

A reckless driving charge is serious. If you are accused, it is crucial to retain a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney. The Law Offices of Howard & Howard in Warrenton, Virginia, has the knowledge and experience to help. For a free initial consultation, contact our team or call us at 540-340-3776.