Car accidents happen most often because of driver error. Failing to look well enough when pulling out from a stop sign, not stopping fast enough and rear-ending another car or not seeing a red light in time to stop are all mistakes that can cause serious accidents. Two drivers in Virginia, unfortunately, collided due to such a driving error, leading to consequences for both of them.
A late morning accident at the intersection of U.S. 29 and Vint Hill Road between two vehicles led to the death of one of the drivers. The accident involved a Jeep driven by a male who failed to stop at the red light on northbound U.S. 29. His vehicle crashed into a Kia driven by a female that was in the intersection to make a left-hand turn onto Vint Hill Road. Both drivers were on U.S. 29 at the time of the accident.
The driver of the Jeep, who was wearing a seat belt, did not suffer any injuries in the crash. The driver of the Kia died on the scene due to the injuries she sustained in the collision. She was not wearing a seat belt, but it is not clear if that contributed to her death or if it was another aspect of the crash that led to the terrible outcome.
Officers are still investigating the accident and had assistance from VDOT and the Virginia State Police Division 2 Accident Reconstruction Team on the scene at the time of the incident. The news release from officials states that charges are pending in the case, but no further information is currently available.
Source: Fauquier Times