Road safety is a primary focus throughout Virginia and this is especially important for bicyclists and pedestrians. The risk to riders and walkers has become so concerning that September is dedicated specifically to their safety with a targeted campaign, “Bicyclist...
Month: August 2022
What are the three primary types of drug crimes in Virginia?
You may have dabbled in drugs at a party with friends or while relaxing alone at home, thinking there is not much harm in trying something new or unwinding after a long day. Still, the possession, distribution and manufacturing of controlled substances in Virginia are...
Don’t wait long to file a personal injury lawsuit
Although we know they can happen, no one wants to be involved in a car accident. You do what you can to avoid them, by paying attention to the road and driving safely, but there’s not much you can do about other drivers. And when one of them makes a mistake and...
How do I get my charges dropped?
The entertainment industry loves to repeat the idea of reported victims having the ability to drop charges. Seemingly, it is the victim that holds all the cards in a criminal justice proceeding, where they can unilaterally decide whether someone is prosecuted for...