The answer to the question of whether you have to show the police your ID in Virginia depends on the situation and the local laws. No state-wide stop-and-identify law Some states have laws that require people to identify themselves to the police when they are stopped...
Year: 2023
Can I be hurt while holiday shopping?
As you are shopping for the holidays, you are probably thinking about what gifts your loved ones would like or what store nearby has the best sale, not that you could be hurt at the store. If a store fails to provide adequate security measures, however, you could...
Filing a claim for medical negligence
Legally, doctors are not obligated to assist anyone they come across that has a medical issue. However, once a doctor-patient relationship has been established between a patient and the doctor, the doctor owes the patient a duty of care. This means that the doctor...
Should I talk with the media after I’ve been arrested and charged?
When you are arrested, especially if the alleged crime is a high-profile crime, the police go on a media blitzkrieg. Virginia police give interviews, have press conferences and send out press releases. Even a common arrest that does not make the headlines can end up...
Avoid these five mistakes when under criminal investigation
A lot of people who have been accused of criminal wrongdoing think that they don’t need to build a criminal defense until they’ve been charged with a crime. Sometimes, though, waiting until that point can be too little, too late. Your defense starts once you come...
Common forms of driver negligence
When a car accident first occurs, it can be difficult to determine who is at fault. Even if one car clearly struck the other, both drivers could still be partially responsible for the accident if they both committed driver errors. Driver errors are generally defined...
Drug-sniffing dogs and probable cause
Many Virginia criminal cases involving serious drug charges arise from a relatively simple traffic stop. Woman faces serious charges after traffic stop For instance, a recent news story told of a Leesburg woman who was pulled over due to alleged traffic violations,...
If I’m even 1% negligent, can I still recover damages?
If you have been injured by another’s negligence in Virgina, you want to know your options for civil justice. You want to be heard, and you want to be compensated for your damages, like lost wages, pain and suffering, medical bills, etc. Unfortunately, our state...
Medical malpractice happens in Virginia too
We live in a wonderful state that has many protections and wealth, but medical malpractice still happens in Virginia too. And, just like in all other states, you can seek compensation for it because medical malpractice has serious consequences, including death,...
Did the police make any of these mistakes in your DUI case?
The implications of a DUI conviction are significant. Sure, a conviction can strip you of your license for a significant period of time, which can have an impact on your personal and professional lives, but you also face the very real possibility of jail or prison...